Friday, November 16, 2007

Back Home

We are back home from an amazing trip to Nashville! I added up all of our shots from the 3.5 days of shooting and overall we pulled down about 8000 shots total between Adam and I. We were talking on the plane ride home to OC about how lucky we feel to have such great friends and family! We loved being back East, meeting really cool people, enjoying the AMAZING fall weather, and capturing lots of great moments.

As you can imagine, I'm a little buried in editing right now but am trying to get stuff out to you all as fast as I can!

I can't wait to introduce you all to the great people that we got to hang out with this week! Check back! Until then, I thought you might enjoy a behind the scenes look of the measures we go to to get a good reaction (I shouldn't say "we" - Katie and Shae are the ones making the sacrifices here!)!!!

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